21 January 2013

O.P.I Russian Navy

Quick post tonight! I just want to share with you my swatches of Russian Navy.

Post rapidinho hoje! Só quero partilhar com vocês os meus swatches do Russian Navy.

This is my absolute favourite navy blue! It's gorgeous, and it looks very different depending on the light. Sometimes it looks like a metallic blue, others it leans more purple, but in the right light, you can see the most beautiful red shimmer! It's not purple, it's RED!! (Even though it looks a bit purple in these, but that's because blue + red = purple. xD)
The photos show 2 coats of it, and no top coat. It was dreamy to apply, and almost no clean-up was needed. Every nail polish should have O.P.I's brush, enough said!

Este é, sem duvida, o meu azul marinho preferido! É lindo, e pode parecer tão diferente consoante a luz. Às vezes parece um simples azul metálico, outras parece mais arroxeado, mas quando a luz certa lhe bate, vêm ao de cima todos os brilhinhos vermelhos que ele tem. Não são roxos não, são VERMELHOS!! (Apesar de nas minhas fotos tenderem um pouco mais para o roxo, mas isto é porque azul + vermelho = roxo. xD)
As fotos mostram 2 camados do verniz, sem top coat. Foi um sonho de aplicar, e quase não precisei de fazer limpeza alguma. Todos os vernizes deviam trazer o pincel da O.P.I, tenho dito!



  1. Beautiful! It's my favorite blue polish as well :)

  2. IN LOVEEEEEE!!!! But you already know that! lol So please stop killing my eyes and heart with AMAZING macros ok?!?! I don't care if you have a new toy, apologize to me right away! lol *_____* Kisses***


    1. So sorry! But how could I not take some pretty macros of this? :P
      I couldn't help it! Still, I apologize for all the pain inflicted to your eyes and heart! Feel better sooooon! xD xD


  3. This is on my wish list. It's so beautiful and you captured it perfectly.

    1. I think this one really is a must have!
      And thank you, Essie! I had a bit of a hard time trying to capture the shimmer, so that means a lot to me.

  4. Fantástico! E pintas tão bem, sempre tão perfeitinho :)


    1. Muito obrigada! Mesmo! Mas a pintura não fica assim tão direitinha logo de primeira, eu é que ajusto um bocadinho a linha de contorno, com um pincelzinho molhado em acetona. ;)

  5. Wonderful swatches! You really show the pink/red glow in it.

    Did you have trouble with removal? Mine stained my hands everywhere.

  6. OMG your swatches are amazing!!!!

  7. Um sonho este verniz... e os reflexos dele são fabulosos...
    Concordo contigo, todos os pincéis deviam ser assim, parece que a simbiose entre o verniz e o pincel é perfeita... simplesmente perfeita :)


  8. Russian Navy is amazing and you captured it so beautifully!

  9. Perfeição



  10. OMG! These are the best pictures of russian navy i've ever seen!


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