19 September 2012

Frankening adventures

I have a soft spot for glitters in a white based polish, especially Jawbreaker by Pretty & Polished, but here in Portugal it's hard to get a hold of all the awesome indies out there...I could order online, but most of the times they won't ship them here, and when they do, it gets really expensive! So I dream about owning some of these pretty nail polishes, maybe some day I'll be able to own lots of them...

This weekend, when trying to organize my stash, I found a white polish that I never use, that would be the perfect base, and some colourful glitter nail polishes that would look great mixed together! I decided to try it...a bit scared, since I'd never done anything like this, but oh so excited to try my luck on the frankening world! And this is what I came up with:

I love it, it looks so cute!
Unfortunatelly, the formula wasn't the best...application is a hassle, it needs 3 coats to look decent, it pools around the cuticules like crazy and it takes forever to dry, even with Seche Vite on top of it! Still, I'm in love...I don't have anything like it in my collection, so this is really worth all the trouble!

What do you think of my creation? xD


  1. ficou espetacular! que vernizes usaste se não é indiscrição :) beijinhos!

  2. Obrigada!
    A base branca é o Paris da Risqué e depois pus 4 vernizes de glitter diferentes, o Circus Confetti da Essence, um da Marylins q agora n me lembro o nome, mas só tem glitter vermelho grande, e dois da Claire's q infelizmente n têm numero...mas um á azul, vermelho e rosa e o outro só tem glitter prateado, mt miudinho.

  3. Recebi o teu email :)

    Opa, que giro que ficou... Desde que entrei na blogosfera cada vez me apetece mais ter glitters e só tenho uns 3 :S E nada de comprar até ao final de Novembro...

    Bem, ficou giríssimo!


    1. Eu tb n gostava de glitters, holográficos e afins, mas qto mais os vemos, mais nos habituamos a eles e...olha, passamos a querer tudo! xD

  4. This is really lovely! Great job x


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